Registry/Member Services Assistant – Canadian Limousin AssociationMedicine Hat, AB
The Canadian Limousin Association held their 52nd Annual General Meeting on Thursday, July 22, 2021. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 we were not about to meet in person and the meeting was held virtually. We thank all members that were in attendance.
The Canadian Limousin Association is proud to partner with Neogen Canada to offer GGP-100k DNA testing at a significant discount. With a testing price this low, now is the time to complete DNA on your cow herd and all sale bulls.
We are EXCITED to announce the:
We are so pleased to welcome Nicole Scott to the Canadian Limousin Association! Nicole has accepted the position of CLA Registrar and joins current staff, Shayla Chappell and Laura Ecklund. Nicole hails from a mixed operation 40 minutes south of Ottawa Ontario, running just under 1000 acres of grain...
Thank you for your interest in this position is has now been filled.
Registration is open for the third annual Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC) to be held August 14-16, 2018 at the London Convention Centre in London, Ontario. Early bird registration is available for $450 plus GST until June 15, after which registration will be $550 plus GST.
Canadian Limousin Association Summer Student
We are very pleased to welcome Shayla Chappell to the CLA staff in the position of Registry/Member Services Assistant. Shayla comes from a commercial cow/calf operation and is a graduate of Lakeland College’s Animal Science and Agribusiness programs. Shayla will join Dallas Wise and Laura Ecklund in serving both Canadian...
With our fantastic employee AJ Sullivan moving on to a new endeavour and the commencement of Canadian Shorthorn Association registry work in the New Year, we are seeking to find an additional Registry/Member Services Assistant to work on the Canadian Limousin Association team.
Calgary, AB – The Canadian Limousin Association (CLA) is entering into an arrangement with the Canadian Shorthorn Association to provide registry and member services to the Canadian Shorthorn Association (CSA) beginning in 2018, when the CSA membership begins using their new CSA DigitalBeef online registry.
The Canadian Limousin Association (CLA) held the CLA 48th Annual General Meeting in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba on July 29, 2017 in conjunction with the Canadian Junior Limousin Association Impact Show.
Registration is open for the second annual Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC) to be held August 15–17, 2017 at the BMO Centre on Stampede Park in Calgary, Alberta. Early bird registration is available for $450 plus GST until June 15, after which registration will be $550 plus GST.
The Canadian Junior Limousin Association (CJLA) will be sending two CJLA members to Australia on the Australian/Canadian Limousin Youth Exchange in 2017. Applications were received up to October 31st and the two lucky CJLA members who have been selected as the 2017 recipients of the award trip are Cheyenne Porter...
Dallas Wise and Laura Ecklund have been very capably handling Registry and Member Services part-time alongside General Manager, Tessa Verbeek. Laura is welcoming a new baby this fall and therefore will be taking 12 months off of her CLA duties.
The Canadian Limousin Association held their Annual General Meeting on Sunday, July 31, 2016 in Lloydminster, Alberta. Joe Cooper of Great Village, Nova Scotia was elected to the CLA Board of Directors. Eric Boon and Bill Zwambag were re-elected for their second term.
The Canadian Junior Limousin Association (CJLA) is very excited to be sending one junior delegate to Canadian Beef Industry Conference August 9-11, 2016 in Calgary, Alberta!
The Canadian Limousin Association is pleased to announce that we will be sponsoring a "Canadian Limousin" team in the Canadian Cattlemen's Foundation Golf Classic August 9, 2016 at the Elbow Springs Golf Club in Calgary, AB! We will be doing a draw for who gets to golf on the CLA...
The Canadian Limousin Association (CLA) and Canadian Junior Limousin Association (CJLA) are pleased to announce that the CJLA will now be coordinated by the CLA instead of a volunteer adult advisor. Laura Ecklund, who was hired in February to the CLA Registry/Member Services position, will now be overseeing the CJLA...
We are very pleased to announce that we welcomed Laura Ecklund to the CLA staff on February 8th. Laura grew up in Ontario, where her parents Gary and Diane Hutton raised purebred Limousin for many years.
The CLA is hiring! We are looking for just the right person to assist with registry and member services in our Calgary based office. See the job description below and don't delay in applying, as the position will commence as soon as a suitable candidate is found.
The Canadian Limousin Association (CLA) and Canadian Junior Limousin Association (CJLA) are very excited to announce the details of the new Australian/Canadian Limousin Youth Exchange! In an effort to both attract new junior members to the Limousin breed and support and encourage our current junior membership the CLA has worked...
CLA members utilizing our new registry system Digital Beef please be aware that there are helpful instructions available to guide you through using this new system. The CLA staff are also available to assist you as you navigate this exciting, however sometimes challenging, new tool! See instructions at:
With the exciting current market and historic bull sale season now is the time to maximize the return on your program. We at Today’s Publishing along with the Canadian Limousin Association have been working to enhance the benefits to not only Limousin Voice advertisers but to all members through added...
CLA Members - we know you are all very excited about logging into your account and browsing your herd information under Digital Beef, but you have to be a little more patient!
The 2015 National Junior Limousin Conference and Impact Show will be held at the Stratford Rotary Complex in the beautiful “Festival City” of Stratford, Ontario.
Registration Opening May 2015Hosted by the Irish Limousin Society, the Congress will showcase the very best Ireland has to offer: our rich, diverse countryside, our culture and our outstanding Limousin Cattle.An Opening Ceremony and Banquet, a one-day Technical Conference, and a travel programme will culminate with the much anticipated National...
The 2015 National Junior Limousin Conference and Impact Show will be held at the Stratford Rotary Complex in the beautiful “Festival City” of Stratford, Ontario.
The Canadian Limousin Association is proud to announce that a Limousin branded CCIA tag has been added to the government's approved tag list. If you used Limousin bulls last spring, order yours today by contacting the Canadian Limousin Association office.
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