Our office is located at:
3378 15th Ave SW Medicine Hat, AB T1B 3W5
Phone: 403.253.7309
Toll-Free: 1.866.886.1605
Fax: 403.253.1704
Email: limousin@limousin.com
Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 4:30pm MST
To reach a staff member directly via e-mail, please make note of the list below:
Laura Ecklund, General Manager | 403.559.9849 | |
Jayme Smith and Sue Bygrove, Registry & Member Services Assistants | 403.253.7309 | |
Tessa Verbeek, Limousin Voice Advertising Representative & Editor | 403.636.1066 |
Alberta |
British Columbia |
Manitoba |
www.albertalimousin.ca | Erin Kishkan, President | www.manitobalimousin.com |
Tim Andrew, President | Tel: 250.747.3836 | Kyle Wright, President |
Tel: 403.854.6335 | kishkan@quesnelbc.com | Tel: 204. 305.0221 |
tlandrew@netago.ca | wrightwaylimousin@hotmail.ca | |
Lois Andrew, Secretary | Rebecca McCord, Secretary/Treasurer | |
Tel: 403.779.2273 | Tel: 250.772.5116 | Jay-Dean Smyth, Secretary |
tlandrew@netago.ca | mccordmr@hotmail.com | Tel: 204.937.4384 |
ne262527@gmail.com | ||
Maritimes |
Ontario |
Quebec |
www.maritimelimousin.com | www.ontariolimousin.com | www.limousinquebec.com |
John-Calvin Siddall, President | Matt Zwambag, President | Serge Dethier, President |
Tel: 902.664.8008 | Tel: 519.870.3219 | Tel: 450.454.6456 |
jcsiddall@outlook.com | matt@beezeeacres.ca | dianejoly19@hotmail.com |
Jill Renton, Secretary | Nancy Lawrence, Secretary | Diane Joly, Secretary |
Tel: 506.381.8019 | Tel: 519.374.9211 | Tel: 450.454.6456 |
rentonj87@gmail.com | lakesidelimo@hotmail.com | dianejoly19@hotmail.com |
Saskatchewan |
Ashton Hewson, President | |
Tel: 306.390.7987 | ||
doublebcattleco@yahoo.ca | ||
Jean Hewson, Secretary | |
Tel: 306.398.7451 | ||
j.hewson@hotmail.com |
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