The successful applicant(s) will spend four weeks with an Australian Limousin host family or multiple host families on their operations. The successful applicant(s) will have the choice of going to Australia during March/April and attending the Sydney Royal Show (Sydney, New South Wales) or going during August and attending the Ekka Royal Queensland Show (Brisbane, Queensland). While staying with their host families the successful applicant(s) are expected to assist the host families with farm chores, show/sale cattle preparation, and at the show(s)/sale(s) if applicable. This is a working holiday and a self directed travel opportunity.
Travel dates will be the recipients choice. One applicant will be selected at the discretion of the CLA and CJLA.
The Canadian Junior Limousin Association (CJLA) will award the successful applicant with $1,000 CAD to assist with travel expenses.
APPLY HERE - deadline October 31st annually
The CJLA will award (Two) $500 Scholarships to CJLA members in good standing for the calendar year. Scholarships are awarded based on involvement in the CJLA or provincial association, general leadership activities and a demonstrated interest in the cattle industry. The number of CJLA Scholarships and the value of each are determined on a yearly basis by the CJLA Board based on financial availability.
APPLY HERE - deadline October 31st annually
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